Quivira 4.1


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Quivira 4.1

Quivira 4.1 contains 11,053 characters.


What is this?

An impressum is much like a masthead, but not restricted to printed media. German law also requires it for websites.

About me

I am a German software developer and live in Karlsruhe, Germany. The font Quivira is one of my hobbies.


Address of the publisher and disclaimer.

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What is this?

“Impressum” is a German word coming from Latin and means a page showing information about the publisher of a website, a magazine, a newspaper or similar—much like the masthead in printed media. German law requires such an impressum not only for printed media, but also for websites (although it is not entirely clear whether private non-commercial websites are actually affected, and what exactly makes a website commercial).

About me

My name is Alexander Lange, and I live in Karlsruhe (Germany).

I graduated in computer science at the Hochschule Mannheim—University of Applied Sciences (degree: Diplom-Informatiker (UAS)). I have completed my intern­ships and my diploma thesis at SEW-EURODRIVE in Bruchsal. From 2008 to 2016 I have been working as a software developer at Smarthouse Media in Karlsruhe, since 2016 at Aunovis.


Responsible for the content:

Alexander Lange
Bachstraße 48
D-76185 Karlsruhe-Mühlburg
eMail: contact @ quivira-font . com


I cannot guarantee for the complete­ness and/or correct­ness of my contents.

I do not take responsi­bility for any damage that occurs before, during or after reading / downloading / whatever of any of my files (this refers to the pages them­selves as well as the downloads).

All linked websites were checked and judged recommen­dable at the time the link was set. If any of these sites change in a way that the link becomes inappro­priate, the link will be removed as soon as possible. Please stay patient if this might take some days.